Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Review: Redeeming Love

Redeeming Love
Francine Rivers
July 2011

Oh man . . . where to start?

I must say, I was pretty excited when I finally got my hands on a copy and it didn't disappoint! By the end of the novel you will either 1, be crying your eyes out, or, 2, sitting there numb as your process everything you just read.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Redeeming Love, it is a story set in 1850 during California's Gold Rush. Angel—one of our two MCs—was sold into prostitution as a child and that's all she's ever known since. One day a God-fearing man named Michael Hosea stumbles into her life and declares that God told him she was to be his wife and he wasn't leaving without her. And he sticks to that, despite all the protest and disapproving hate he gets along the way. When Angel leaves him multiple times, he doesn't give up as he lovingly and painstakingly cracks through the casing around her.

“I want to fill your life with color and warmth. I want to fill it with light.” -Michael Hosea

Redeeming Love is a retelling of the book of Hosea in a total skin-peeling way that will leave you raw by the time you finish it. This is a novel about redemption that I think speaks a little to each of us.

I didn't have any issues with this book. Writing was smooth and all characters were sound. Not without human flaws, but the characters were sound in writing.

Francine Rivers delivers a powerful, raw, and emotionally gripping ride in Redeeming Love.


  1. This is a great book. Have you read the Mark of the Lion trilogy written by her? My mom loves it.

  2. This is actually the first thing I've read by Rivers. I'll look into those for sure.
